No Rush

It’s pretty common for me to start my day thinking I will get a lot done.

A lot, like way more than I can handle.

I always do this, then when the end of the day rolls around I feel defeated. Why should I feel good about myself when I didn’t accomplish all the things I wanted to?

Slow down

We are constantly being held to high standards and being told to multi-task, to use that five minutes of down time to be productive in another way.


When did it become a requirement to get so much done in one day to feel successful?

I’m a mom

A full time student

A partner

A person

That’s a lot to be doing, so if I can do all of this shouldn’t that be enough?

The society we live in is incapable of taking a moment to just appreciate who we are and how we got here. Instead, constant stress about things we could be doing invades our minds.

I make lists with way too many tasks, I beat myself up to when it doesn’t get done, and not a single thing on that list is ever related to self care.

I am working on slowing down, making myself a priority, and only giving myself what I can handle.

Its time to press the reset button, determine our goals, and understand that if we can’t get it all done that’s not a failure, it’s reality.

Write it down.

Say it out loud.

Remind your friends.

We only get this life, these moments, use your time wisely but do not forget to live freely.

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